My initial thought, as I stood in front of the grill basting Baby Back Ribs with a smoky BBQ sauce, was that I wish there were more warm-weather Patriotic holidays. Just as quickly as I thought that, I slapped myself with a hearty dose of "obvious" and realized: I should be doing this shit all year!
Much like Turkey at Thanksgiving, the 4'th of July sticks out as a day exclusively for BBQ. A day when I'm willing to spend a little more and go a little further for dinner. I'm not sure why, though. Aside from there being some excellent sales on Meat this past week at the various grocery stores in the area, I've never fully committed to the notion of firing up the grill and knocking out a couple of racks of ribs.
What's more disturbing is that my love of all things Pork dictates that I should be doing a hell of a lot more BBQing than I currently am.
To be fair though, cooking is about production for me. I love the idea of sitting down to a meal where I've poured my heart into it, but that just ain't my way. When you go to a restaurant you see YOUR plate, very few people think about the hundreds of OTHER plates the pour out of a kitchen every day of every week of every... You get the picture.
Generally, I'm in production mode when I cook. I think of dinner the way I think of anything else: How do I get these all knocked out, over and over, the exact same way? I just don't have time for charcoal and slow cooking, at least that what I keep telling myself...
So after many hours of labor Friday, Kerrie and I sat down to a nice 'Merican meal of Baby Back Ribs, Chipotle Sweet Corn, and Buttermilk Biscuits.

We ended the meal with some Peach Cobbler and an evening on the porch watching the sky light up. In the end, the truth remains: I need to do more BBQ...
Sam Spence - The Lineman
Incredible Bongo Band - Let the Be Drums
Joan Jett - Bad Reputation
Mojo Nixon - UFO's, Big Rigs, and BBQ
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