- Samuel L. Jackson to John Travolta, Pulp Fiction
For those of you who don't read Kerrie's blog, let me grace you with my hip world view...
Thursday of last week was messed up. We here in Cinci went through two day fisting of a snow "event". Snow, Ice, Freezing rain, and more snow. Amusingly enough, it was nowhere NEAR as bad as the weather up in NW Ohio gets. But with all the hills and a much bigger population down here, things get scary - QUICK.
Thursday was the break in the crappiness though. It was sunny out. Aside from the low wind chill, it was a nice day. So I went to work...
But by the end of my day, I just wanted to go home. I was super tired and I just didn't care.
I got in the car. I merged onto 75N. I headed home.
As I got near Sharonville, I noticed a Semi with a massive cloud of snow blowing off the roof of his truck. I referred to him as a "dumbass" and got ready to merge over to the Right so as to get onto 275, and then it happened...
In less than a second, I saw a sheet of ice come off of the Semi's roof and fly directly at me. And by Me I do mean ME. It hit the hood of the car and slammed into the windshield - directly at eye level. MY eye level.

The Ice shattered into a millions pieces and left the windshield cracked out to all four corners. Amazingly, I kept driving without losing control, and even managed to get the trucks info written down. I just kept driving...
So, for the last few days, I keep thinking of that famous quote from Pulp fiction. And I can't help but wonder: What if that had been metal? Or a piece of rock? Or a hunk of wood?
Personally, I'm just glad I'm alive. But on a deeper level I've started looking, for some reason, at the food I'm cooking so much more intently. Last night I made Beef Bourgignon with meticulous attention to detail. It was tender, dark, thick, and flavorful. Tonight, after dinner? Kerrie and I had Chianti Classico and Milk Chocolate for dessert. It was so smooth and warming... It's sad that it took a freek-moment on the highway to get me to this level of attention, but hey... By any means necessary, huh?
Massive Attack - Protection
Avalanches - Frontier Psychiatrist
Pretenders - 2000 Miles
Donovan - Catch the wind
It reminds me of a time when someone told me "Nothing short of a bullet is going to kill you."
Well...at least it wasn't the 40lbs of petite lamb chops? Cause you know if George would have entrusted us with those, that's where it would have ended up. On top of a semi.
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