Saturday, Kerrie and I went out and had a day for ourselves. We went shopping with all the various gift cards we have acquired over the last month and got some good stuff. Kerrie got a new floor lamp, I got a stylin' new Mandoline slicer, and We got a new MB and processor.
The point, and here's my point Dude... I've always wanted a Mandoline. Mandoline slicers are an amazing, yet slightly expensive tool. With a Mandoline, you can make all sorts of things like Waffle Fries, Julian Strips, and paper thin slices of whatever you want. Today, being my day off, I decided to make Dried Pear & Apple Slices. Let me tell you, after using my mandoline, I felt good... I have used them several times in various settings and situations, but never for anything I wanted to make. Today was different. Today was allll me baby.

I started by making a simple syrup, then sliced my fruits, and now they are crisping away in the oven. Glorious...
Tonight I'll be making Jumbalya. There's something very comfy about Chicken and Okra that I really like. Served up with some Cuban Bread and a bottle of Scotch, tonight promises to be a phenomenal dining experience.
Dried Pear & Apple Slices
1 Cup Water
1/2 Cup Sugar
1 t Lemon Juice
1 t Rose Water
1 Pear (firm)
1 Apple (firm)
Pre-Heat oven to 200F.
Combine Water and Sugar in a small saucepan over medium heat until sugar is just dissolved. Remove from heat and stir in Lemon juice and Rose Water.
Slice pear and apple using 1/8 setting on Mandolin Slicer.
Dip slices into syrup and shake of excess then place on sheet pans lined with parchment paper.
Bake in oven for 2 1/2 hours, rotating sheet pans ever half-hour or so.
"Damn it... NEVER trust my instincts..."
- John Cusack, Grosse Point Blank
Chuck Norris does not teabag the ladies. He potato-sacks them.
Chuck Norris is not hung like a horse... horses are hung like Chuck Norris.
I think the ..horses are hung like Chuck Norris.. one is my favorite. Another favorite is "Crop circles are Chuck Norris' way of telling the world that sometimes corn needs to lie the fuck down."
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