My new Job, however awful 5:30AM may be, does not run service on Saturdays or Sundays. (Weekends OFF!) So every Saturday Kerrie and I go an get a nice leisurely breakfast at one of a few places:
1.) Bee's Donuts. Amazingly perfect Donuts made very close to our apartment. None I have ever had anywhere can compare.
2.) Cinnabon. Best cinnamon rolls ever...
3.) Brugger's Bagels. I really dig their Asiago Bagels.
But this week Kerrie and I picked up some things for breakfast at Jungle Jim's. Specifically: Cafe Du Monde Beignet Mix and Chicory Coffee.

Baxter and I once made Beignet's right after he came back from New Orleans, and my mom -ages ago- brought me a can of Chicory Coffee back from the French Market. In my head, there are few things better for breakfast than a freshly fried beignet and a Cafe au Lait. After a full work-week of pates, Forcemeats, savory mousees and a bunch of other shit normal people don't eat, this is a perfect way to start the weekend.
Also, congrats to Cafe Du Monde who re-opened to the public on Wednesday the 19'th.
Cafe Du Monde
Bad Religion - 21'st Century Digital Boy
Elvis - C'mon Everybody
Crystal Method - Comin' Back
Violent Femmes - Add It Up
Ahh the Cafe du Monde.. I spent every morning for a week there with beignets and half chicory half cream coffee... just sitting outside watching the quarter come alive all over again was almost as good as listening to the horses clopping down the streets of Mackinac.
I've tried the beignet mix, but it's just not the same... there's nothing like fresh deep fried beignets.. :)
Joo said it mang...
There's nothing better than cafe du monde after a long night of drinking, carousing, or as some former new orleans residents would say "snorting rock star lines and rocking her box out."
Go read this now:
It's straight from your playbook.
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